Can GenAl Completely Revolutionize Customer Education?
Teaching adults at scale, the nature of most customer and partner education programs, has always come with challenges. Adults learn best when learning is relevant to their immediate goals, when they can draw upon prior experiences and establish their own self-directed journey. When you know a lot about your adult learners, it’s possible to create personalized learning experiences that promote knowledge retention. But, it’s often been difficult , if not impossible, to fully personalize a learning experience for every individual customer or partner.
Recent advancements with GenAI unlock an entirely new dimension of adult learning. One where we not only offer personal recommendations, but also create new content that is relevant, timely, and meaningful to the individual.
Instead of using GenAI to simply increase our productivity, approaching learning with the same methods we have for many years, we can reexamine learning theory and break open the boundaries that have held back scaled education in the past. Rather than replace the instructional designer with ChatGPT, we can leverage their expertise on an entirely new, strategic level.
Watch an excerpt from Echtus CEO Vicky Kennedy’s recent talk on the Impact of AI on EdTech:
Vicky Kennedy, Echtus Founder and CEO, speaks about impact of AI on edtech and what it means for the customer education industry.
Interested in integrating GenAI into your education strategy? We can help. Contact us for a free consultation.