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Measurement Framework Template
Need to align your leading KPIs to business metrics?
Want to ensure you’re tracking metrics that matter?
Looking to align your executive team on the definition of success?
The Echtus Education Measurement Framework provides a straightforward method for aligning your education programs to business goals. The template provides tips for identifying relevant leading behavior and learning metrics.
Interested in learning more about measurement frameworks? Check out our article, Could you Benefit from a Measurement Framework?
6-Step Guide to Customer Education Program Planning
Ready for a quick guide to launching a new customer education program? Download this 6-step checklist that walks you through key considerations for a strategic, programmatic approach that will yield demonstrable results.
Purpose Statement Template
Do you have a clear purpose statement for your customer education or product training program?
Here's a simple format you can use for each of your education, training, and certification initiatives (and there are generally several delivered via an LMS).
A statement like this is essential in tying the education to business metrics. If you aren't sure how this statement might apply to the content you deliver, it may be time to evaluate the purpose and goals of your education.
Examples include:
✔ This program helps partners learn how to position our products so they can close more deals, which will result in increased revenue.
✔ This program helps prospects learn how to use SEO to increase traffic so they can recognize the value of our platform, which will result in increased leads.
✔ This program helps customers learn how to make strategic choices using advanced features so they can achieve meaningful outcomes, which will result in increased retention.
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